Pay your Technical Debt with Digital Transformation

Ward Cunningham first coined the term ‘Technical Debt’ in 1992 to help communicate the impact of making “not quite right” code choices when designing new software releases.
Technical debt accrues when we take shortcuts today at tomorrow’s expense. Technical Debt can be categorized in three categories: Native, Unavoidable, Strategic. Native Technical occurs when poor approach/design opted to design a solution. There can be various reason to have Native Technical Debt predominantly when the project is fixed date and fixed scope. Native Technical debt is result of Technical immaturity.
Unavoidable Technical Debt occur when second component has dependency on first component and First component contain Native Technical Debt. As a result, the Technical debt can’t be avoidable and in that situation debt increases more.
Strategic Technical Debt always opted when economic return more than technical debt. There can be many factors to have strategic technical debt like: shorten time to market, preserve startup capital, delay development expense etc.
By understanding different types of technical debts, we can say that, having technical debt in any solution is not always bad. But accumulating technical debt has always need to pay in long run. To Manage technical debt first we need to visualize it.
Large, established organizations have been accumulating digital technology for decades, and it is going to take time to transform all that technology. Digital transformation is an excellent opportunity for those organization to repay the technical debt to improve their balance sheet.
Digital transformations and digital disruptions are two things you cannot afford to ignore. It is important you assess your current IT situation and put plans in place to minimize technical and architectural debt in order to allocate your IT budget where it is needed most – on new technologies and initiatives to ensure you are digitally at the forefront of your industry.
“The first step towards solving a problem is recognizing that there is one.”